Contact information

First name

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Full Name of the Person filling out this form:

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Relationship to Participant:

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Participant Full Name

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Date of Birth

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I am requesting financial assistance for:

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Total yearly income includes all sources of income (including child support/alimony and investment income) for all members residing in the home. Bear in mind that we are a charitable organization relying on donor support to serve as many riders as possible, so please be honest about your financial situation. We may ask for more information before making a decision on your application. All information will be kept confidential.

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Income: Please list your total household yearly income:

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Number of dependents in household:

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Are you/have you been eligible for any local, state, or federal funds to assist with therapy or recreation programming?

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If yes, please explain:

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Do any of these sources cover Inspired Acres fees?

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If yes, what amount?

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Are any other family members applying for scholarship or financial assistance from Inspired Acres?

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Has anyone in your household previously received financial assistance from Inspired Acres?

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If yes, when is the last time you received financial assistance?

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I certify that all information provided is true and that all income is reported. I agree to inform Inspired Acres of any changes in household income or number of household members in the month in which the change(s) occur. This information will be accompanied by a revised scholarship application. I understand that any co-pay is due at time of service, and I agree to give Inspired Acres ample notice if the rider cannot attend a scheduled session. I understand that chronic absences may jeopardize the rider’s funding.

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